Friday, February 26, 2010

Jet~ SURPRISE!!!!!!

With Tot we had the luxury of transition time, and now I know just what a blessing that is! Jeff and I had decided we wanted to go through the Holidays with just Tot, but we would take more kids after the first of the year. Within the first few days of the new year (the 2nd of January to be exact) we took a sibling group for 2 nights until they could go to grandmas and that was a piece of cake. This foster parent thing is easy I thought! Boy was I in for a rude awakening!!!!!!!!

On Monday morning the 12th of January 2009, I got a call asking me to take a 2 year old boy for a couple of nights. I said sure and they said they would call me when they knew more. I told them I had errands to run and for them to call my cell if I didn't answer at home. Well, they didn't call and confirm a thing. At 4:45pm I was at Target with Tot and my cell rang. All I heard was screaming in the background. Then an adult male voice identifies himself as a social worker and he asks when I'll be home. How does he know I'm not home you ask... 'CUZ HE'S WAITING IN MY DRIVEWAY... with a highly upset 2 year old. I tell him to give me 30 minutes, I made my purchase and flew home. We had just got in the door when I see Jeff's car pull up... CRAP!!!! I hadn't told him about this little guy because I had just found out myself, but I tend to do better with surprises. Thank God Jeff is a kind and patient man! He handled the surprise like a champ and we moved on to settling little Jet in for the next couple of days.

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