Friday, February 19, 2010

First Date

Our first date was on September 11th 2001... that's right THE SEPTEMBER 11TH. Our first date was on a day most remember as a sad, traumatic day, but for Jeff and I it was the beginning of life as we now know it. Jeff had flown back home from a business trip in Tulsa, Oklahoma late on the night of the 10th. We'd made plans to have lunch during my split shift after he had slept in and had a chance to rest up from his flight. Little did we know events were in place to change our whole lives.

I woke up for work on the morning of the 11th and got ready like I always did. I hopped in my car and turned up the radio as usual to wake up and all I heard was "Our Nation Is Under Attack"! I quickly filled in the blanks and called Jeff. "Turn on your TV! A plane has hit one of the twin towers!" I told him. You know the rest of that story, so I will continue with our first date. Sooooo, somehow I make it through the first half of my shift, another plane crash, and the Towers falling. Jeff and I went to IHOP for lunch (stores and such were closing for the day rapidly by now) and while we were eating I got a call from my boss saying we would also be closing for the day. How BITTERSWEET! Here people were in the midst of tragedy and I was having my first date with the man I would eventually call my husband. No, we will never forget that day for so many reasons, THANK GOD NOT ALL OF THEM ARE BAD!!!!!!

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