Saturday, February 20, 2010

Wedding Day

Things progressed rapidly for Jeff and I. The next thing we knew we were engaged and had set the wedding day for January 5th, 2002. Yes, that is a mere 4 months and a few days from our first date. For those of you that think this happened way too fast STOP IT!!!!! From the second Jeff and I even considered entering into a relationship we knew it was going to be "until death us do part". While Jeff was on his business trip (before our first date) we were talking marriage instead of dating. Again you may think TOO FAST, but I assure you no two people have been more confident that this was a God ordained union.

A little side note...
If you are considering getting married I can only advise one thing, BE CERTAIN GOD HAS ORCHESTRATED YOUR FUTURE MARRIAGE. If you can't say that with conviction and cofidence then WAIT!!!!! There is no "oops I made a mistake" clause when you say I Do. Whether you stay married or not you become marked by that person for life. Be sure you are going to be marked for the better.

Back on point...
Well our wedding day dawned and I did what all brides do to get pretty for the big event. I was getting my hair done when my cell rang and Jeff told me he had just been diagnosed with strep throat. GREAT!!!!! We get to start our married life out in sickness rather than health, but oh well we still needed to get to the church on time (to quote a well known movie). Since I was not the bride that wanted the big wedding, we attempted to keep things low key, but lost that battle. Remember I mentioned that I was a pastor's kid... well the whole church was invited, and Jeff's family is HUGE!!!!! So, we had close to 200 guests when we wanted less than 15 (yes, I did say 15). I refused to walk down the aisle since I at least wanted the luxury of pretending there was only 15 people there... it worked until I turned around to be introduced to the group as Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey __________... well, we gotta keep some secrets! We ran downstairs and had food (I think) and cake, then I took my sick hubby home and... another secret!

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