Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Foster Debate

By this point (2007), Jeff and I had been married 6 years and had no children of our own. I was uncomfortable pursuing the various fertility options and Jeff was very understanding. It seemed our options were getting rather slim. Adoption didn't seem like an available option since we didn't have the money to spend for such a thing and had heard that an adoption could cost thousands and thousands of dollars.

Now I firmly believe that God brings us friendships for special times in our lives. For Jeff and I 2 of those special friendships came in the form of the Thompson and Davis families. The Davis family is the family I spoke of in my last blog that met us at our future home and prayed with us, and Thompson family is the family that pointed us towards fostering. A member of their family has worked for the state for over 20 years, so they had great amounts of knowledge to bestow upon us. Ultimately, it came down to 2 things... 1) With fostering you are helping children desperately in need of rescue 2) Should the opportunity for adoption present itself the state will pay for everything... within a certain budget of course. With these perks there is also a cost. Naturally the state doesn't take one look at you and say, "Well you seem nice... HAVE SOME KIDS!" Knowing there would be a price to pay both physically and emotionally, Jeff and I decided to move forward with the licensing process.

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