Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Tot~ The Start Of Something

Photo By Jamie Thompson Photography
*For the sake of protecting the identity of our foster children all pictures will hide little faces and they will be given nicknames. As we adopt children we will reveal their little faces.
Picture a summer day, you are getting ready to take a road trip to visit family and the air is already thick with excitement for this anticipated visit with loved ones... then the phone rings! In all the work of packing for our trip I did not get to the phone in time (OK, so I was in the shower) and after listening to the message I am so glad I had a moment to compose myself. The message was from a long time family friend. She said she had heard from her mom that Jeff and I were licensing to become foster parents and wanted to talk to me about a situation she had come across. I called her back right away and here's what she shared with me... She had met a grandmother that was taking care of her 18 month old grandson. This little boy had been placed in her home after being removed from his parent's care at around 9 months of age by DCFS (commonly known as CPS). It looked as though this little boy would be legally free (available for adoption) rather soon. Grandma still had 3 older kids living at home and was thinking adoption may be in her grandson's best interest. My friend wanted to know if I wanted to meet grandma and this little guy and I said... OF COURSE!!!!!
A few short days later I went to my friend's house to meet grandma and this little guy. Some of you can only imagine what was going through my mind and some of you know because you have been there. Grandma was not at all what you picture when you think of a grandma. While she was sweet with kind eyes and an easy smile as you would expect, she looked so young to me with her long blonde hair and wrinkle free face. She introduced me to one of her daughters and then to this little bundle of all boy! Tot (as we will affectionately refer to him) was riding in some sort of wagon or something and playing all over in the yard. He had a bit of a runny nose and blonde hair like grandma, but his eyes were captivating blue. During this visit my heart flooded with empathy and understanding for what this family must be going through. I left that meeting with plans to get together again so they could meet Jeff and we could meet the rest of the family.
There are some that would quickly pass judgement on this family for considering the idea of adoption. Let me set the record straight right now... It was not lack of love that caused this family to choose a safe loving home for this little boy quite the opposite in fact. Sometimes love means a great sacrifice, and that looks different for every family.

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