Friday, February 19, 2010

Everyone Knew But Us (How We Got Together)

For you to understand where we are today I must give you our back story. Jeff and I knew one another from church. I was the pastor's kid, so I knew and talked to everyone. What I knew of Jeff didn't exactly draw me to him. He was a geek and I dated bad boys. I was a brat and he was nicer than any guy I had ever met. It took a year for us to even blip on one another's radars, but after we did, LOOKOUT!

After finally getting tired of dating bad boys I had just told the Lord that He could pick my soul-mate. So it's August of 2001 and Jeff and I are at a Christian music festival with the youth group. I had no idea Jeff even planned to be there and I was in pretty bad shape emotionally. Now it's a hot sunny day and a group of us are at a concert Jeff included. I'm holding a baby bottle and somehow manage to drop it down into the bleachers... not once but twice. Both times Jeff offered his hand to help me get back to my seat, and both times I looked at him like he was crazy and sat down on my own w/o Jeff's help, but it got me to thinking. Bad boys just use you, and they would never be a gentleman and offer help to a woman. Hmmmm, maybe Jeff isn't such a geek after all. BLIP! He's now on my radar! For Jeff it was a little more subtle, but the next thing you know we were planning our first date. Slowly, word started to leak to our church family that something was brewing between Jeff and I. The overwhelming response I got was, WE WERE WAITING FOR YOU TWO TO NOTICE ONE ANOTHER!!!!!!!

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