Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Our Home Purchase

Less than 2 weeks before Jeff and I got married (Christmas Eve morning to be exact) my sister gave birth to a perfect baby girl that immediately stole our hearts. 15 months after that she gave birth to another dose of perfection. These two bundles of joy eased my baby bug a bit, but I was still wanting to become a mom really soon. Jeff had no such notion at the time, but he at least pretended he did!

Jeff and I were very comfortable with our role as doting auntie and uncle to these two precious girls. When the girls were a bit older, my sister decided to go back to school. In order to make things work for everyone she and the girls were going to move in with Jeff and I so that I could take care of the girls while Amie worked and was in school. The only problem with this plan was that we were living in a 2 bedroom condo at the time. Soooooo, to make a long story short we purchased our first home in April of '07. Before we purchased our home Jeff and I met up with some close friends to just look at the place. We ended up doing what some of you will think is odd, but we prayed right then and there for God to give us this home. When everything finalized Jeff and I committed to using our home for ministry. That seemed pretty easy considering my sister and two nieces were about to move in temporarily.

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