Monday, March 1, 2010

Jet~ The Non-Sleeper

That first night I remember sitting on the couch with Jet and running my fingers through his spiky hair until he fell asleep on my lap. We took both Tot and Jet upstairs and went to put them in their cribs and Jet woke up. Both cribs were set up in Tot's room and for this I was going to pay that first night. We said prayers with both the boys and tucked them in. I could see Jet tuning up to start to cry, but I assured him he was safe and told him that it was time to go to sleep. As soon as I walked out of the room and shut the door Jet started to cry. Now I had sympathy for his situation, but I also was tired, so I planned to wait 10 minutes before going back in there to see if he would just cry himself back to sleep. Little did I know this little boy had the ability to be persistent... really persistent. 2 hours later Tot is sleeping soundly in his crib and Jet is still screaming. I have exhausted every trick I know to help him. I had rocked him, sang to him, ribbed his back, and sat quietly next to him holding his hand each time I would go to leave the room the screaming began. After I realized there was nothing I could do I finally went to my bed just sat there telling myself I CAN DO ANYTHING FOR 2 DAYS. Jet woke up a couple more times that night and each time I tried to comfort him, but he just cried for a couple of hours. One thing was for certain, Jet's crib needed to be moved into the other bedroom.

Night 2 was much like the first, but at least Jet couldn't wake Tot with his screaming. Both Jet and I were exhausted! He had dark circles under his eyes, but he was still persistent... in fact he had learned a new trick. Jet realised that as long as he was laying down and screaming he had a greater chance of accidentally falling asleep so... little Jet stood in his crib linked his arms over the rail and this way when he fell asleep screaming he would wake up the second he relaxed enough for his knees to buckle. Let me just tell you by that following morning I was so tired and emotional I could hardly see straight, and I suspect Jet was too. He now had a permanent sad face to attach to the dark circles under his eyes. It was enough to break your heart.

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