Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Blues

Jeff called me this morning and when I asked him how he was doing he admitted he was feeling a bit down. I wanted so badly to give him some good news like I'd found $100 under the bed, but I had nothing. So much for lifting up my husband when he was feeling down.

Shortly after talking with Jeff I got a call from "adoption support" for Tot's upcoming adoption. I've heard horror stories about this portion of the adoption process. The woman I spoke with was very kind and ultimately worked very hard to get us all she could. While it wasn't what I had hoped for it was at least something. The next step is working with the lawyer and getting our court date for the adoption. We are so close I can feel it! I thought this was exciting, but when I called Jeff to fill him in he didn't seem to cheer up... this was one tough case of the blues!

Princess P came home from a visit with her parents and I called her social worker to give her some information about the visit. During our conversation we began to talk about her case a bit. Now Princess P has been in our care 11 months today and her case is moving towards termination of parental rights quite rapidly. If she becomes free to adopt we would love to have the opportunity to adopt her, but it has seemed unlikely due to the fact she is 1/2 Native American and Jeff and I just aren't. Her tribe has been actively seeking native placement for her since they learned TPR was imminent. They found a home in Montana, but that fell through somehow, so they started looking at a home bio mom suggested in California. There are some "concerns" about this California placement, so they could potentially be back to seeing us as an available option. Things change so rapidly we aren't going to count our chickens before they hatch, but this was good enough news to pull my sweet hubby out of his battle with the blues. Please be praying with us that Princes P gets to stay with us. God is her "Divine Protector" but we would like to be part of the process as well.

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