Monday, March 8, 2010

Spud~ Full Up!

I've chosen to skip to current events. Between getting Princess P and now here are the highlights...

~We had some dear friends for an eight week stay during the months of May and June... the state was a hoot to deal with for this short adventure! Remember sometimes you just gotta be tough!!!!!!!!!

~Tot's bio-parents have lost their parental rights and we are weeks from adoption. HOORAY!!!!!

~Princess P turned 1, learned to crawl, walk, and now RUN!!!!

~The Holidaze were plagued by sickness... ear infections, and the croup! I get tired just thinking about it!!!!

~Princess P's case has taken a turn we are not at all excited about and it's likely she will be moving to Montana or California some time this year because she is native and we are not. We are praying hard against this move!!!!!

~We just got another little guy Spud (2 1/2)... he has a sweet smile, a gentle spirit, and a mo-hawk that gives Spud the title of "best haircut in the house"!

Jeff and I are still enjoying being foster parents even with 3 kids ages 3 and under. Today was check-up day for Tot and Princess P. Tot got 2 shots and enjoys showing me his "owies". He is in the 98th percentile for height and weight... BIG BOY!!! Princess P escaped shots today, but enjoyed the echo she found in the exam room! Try talking to your new pediatrician with a 1 year old shouting because it sounded cool... Thank God Jeff was there with me!!!! I LOVE YOU HONEY!!!!!! You pretty much ROCK!!!!!!

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