Monday, March 1, 2010

Jet~ Breakthrough At Last

As day 3 with Jet started to come towards the end of the business day I got a phone call. Things had fallen through with the family member that was going to take Jet and they wanted us to keep him until they could get things sorted out. A foster family always has the right of saying "no" when a situation is not a good fit for the family and I was so tempted to exercise that right. I expressed my concern over Jet's sleep habits and general emotional state. The state worker that I spoke with was very sympathetic and offered suggestions to help me out, but honestly I had tried them all and bedtime was approaching rapidly. I told them that Jet could stay and then I mentally and emotionally prepared myself for battle.

It was a Wednesday night (I remember it like it was yesterday) and typically that means church. I was exhausted and Jet was doing no better, so church was not going to happen for us. I decided we needed to try music in Jet's room but we didn't have a portable CD player, so I sent Jeff to Target for one. Like I said I was ready for battle! 8o'clock came and I set up the CD player and grabbed some worship CD's and my book. I put Tot to bed and then put Jet in his crib. I got the CD going and got comfortable on the queen sized bed that was in Jet's room and I started to read. Seeing me in the room Jet was more comfortable laying down, but he was still whimpering and restless. What happened next may make some of you uncomfortable, but I am committed to honesty here. I hadn't gotten more than a paragraph into my book and I got the strongest impression that I needed to pray for little Jet, and not just pray but do some spiritual battle for PEACE to come to this little boy's heart. Truly, I just wanted to read, but I chose to obey and God blessed my obedience. I prayed over Jet that in spite of the chaos surrounding his life God would grant him PEACE, PROTECTION, and a POWERFUL FUTURE. I claimed him for Jesus and declared that what the Devil meant for harm, God would use it to crush the Enemies back. I finished my prayer and began to read. I finished one page and noticed that Jet was fast asleep. I turned out his light and went downstairs totally in awe of what God had just done.

From that night on we experienced breakthrough. We never saw another 2 hour crying jag that broke our hearts. Oh, Jet woke up 2 or 3 times a night for the next week or so, but he always was calmed immediately and fell right back to sleep when I would quietly walk in the room and lay on the queen sized bed. He quickly became an amazing sleeper and eventually moved back into the room with Tot.

1 comment:

  1. OH how I miss that little sweet boy who completely stole my heart! Kori I love that you are telling the story! You are such a wonderful mom! And I couldn't be happier to call you my friend! <3
