Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Jet~ So Sick

Jet had not been with us very long when he got sick. We were eating dinner one evening and I was really watching his breathing. He was working too hard to breathe for a little boy. I took him in to the walk in clinic that evening and his oxygen level was low and he was doing lots of coughing. Now as a foster parent you are limited in what you can authorize medically. They were wanting to x-ray Jet's lungs to see if he had pneumonia. I called the after hours hot line to make sure that was ok for me to authorize an x-ray and they said yes. There was no sign of pneumonia in the x-rays so they gave poor little sick Jet a nebulizer treatment and some oral steroids to take right away. They sent us home with a nebulizer, prescriptions for albuterol, and strict instructions to give Jet a breathing treatment every 4 hours for the next few days. Jet and I spent the next couple of nights on the couch and love-seat getting very limited amounts of sleep. Well, he just slept through the treatments, but I had to get up and I love my sleep!

Because of Jet getting sick I wanted to know a bit about his medical history. His social worker told me to feel free to send mom a note to the visit letting her know about Jet's illness and getting any allergies he may have and so on. This was the best thing I could have done. Mom and I now had a way to discuss Jet and his care. I think mom was very thankful for this as well. While mom may have her issues and struggles she truly loved her little boy.

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