Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Princess P~ Positive Changes

I am going to take you all back a bit so that you can understand a small bit of this case. Be careful, I'm gonna talk about the Lord and might even sound a little crazy, but I assure you I am only moderately crazy! WINK!

The day I goth the call from Princess P's social worker telling me her tribe had found her a home out of state still seems a bit surreal for several reasons. The main reason is that when you get this little bundle and spend all day caring for it you begin to think of it as yours. This is not all bad, but when you hear they may be moving "your" baby you've had for 10 months to a different state it comes as quite a shock. Thank God for the subtle ways he worked to prepare my heart for "the phone call". For example, why had I developed such a passion for worship music that sparked me to create a worship play-list on my computer, and why did I just need to listen to it the morning I got the dreaded call? I literally answered the phone and had to tell her social worker to hold on while I turned down the music. You may say coincidence... I say DIVINE preparation for what was in store! I remember looking at Princess P and telling her "You were never ours, even if you had been born to us you would still belong to Jesus." At that moment a wave of peace came over me. God is so gentle and the grace and peace he provides in the midst of the storm are amazing. Jeff and I took her to church knowing we were going to surrender P to His will similar to Abraham and Isaac. This was no easy task, I struggled and my emotions were all over the place. I started to cry the moment I walked in the sanctuary doors knowing the Lord needed to have His way and yet I was struggling with my will at the same time. We went forward for prayer (something that still freaks me out and I grew up around it) and were immediately surrounded by friends and loved ones. Our Pastor's wife prayed with us and her prayer was so incredibly accurate it opened my eyes to some things. Once again I was so aware of a deep sense of peace. I'm not saying I don't still battle occasional fear, but deep inside I know God's perfect will will be done in this situation and that we will all be OK.

As things stand (based on today's conversation with the SW) both out of state homes have fallen through and we can't help but be a bit hopeful. P's tribe can still come in with a home placement, but I have the same comfortable confidence that the Lord will have His way no matter what.

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