Thursday, March 18, 2010

Precious Moments

Let's start with a confession... I Love Magazines!!!! While laying in bed the other night I came across a little blurb about a family that tries to spend the occasional evening "unplugged". This means no computer or TV... you get the idea! They talked about how it promotes healthy interactions and all sorts of other benefits. Having a 1, 2, and 3 year old I rely on the TV for sanity even though we do not have cable. Putting in a movie = instant babysitter for when you have to make lunch/dinner or clean a bathroom really quick. I do not like or promote this idea, but it has become a necessary evil, UNFORTUNATELY! I decided to give the "unplugged" concept a short trial run last night and I am so glad I did!!!! Here's how it all went down... Jeff came home from work and the kids were still napping, so we seized the moment and hung out on the couch and chatted. The Princess was the first to wake up so I went and grabbed her and sat back on the couch with her and fed her some chips. Jeff and I continued chatting until "the Boyz" woke. This is typically when the TV goes on so I can make dinner... NOT TODAY!!!! I asked Jeff to bring down the portable CD player and got some VeggieTunes playing and the games began!!!! There was singing, dancing, and all sorts of general mayhem... FABULOUS!!!!! After dinner was done we brought out the Play-Dough and continued enjoying one another's company. Dessert was FF Cranberry-Orange Muffins (but the kids call them cupcakes). I had to run out for a meeting while they were in the oven, but I am satisfied knowing that for a few hours my kids and husband felt like the center of my universe. We only get these moments once we might as well cherish them!!!!!!!!

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