Tuesday, April 13, 2010

House Projects And Mommy Guilt

We have been so busy lately doing house projects. We have remodeled our downstairs bathroom, and painted a large portion of our downstairs walls... yes, this would explain why I haven't exactly been current on my blogging. Now picture with me a 1,2, and 3 year old child in the room with a whole lot of paint... anyone but me feeling the tension creeping into your neck and shoulders? My remedy for this scenario was a whole lotta movies (against my better judgement- see prior post) and an itty-bitty living space (think genie on Aladdin) for over a week. My poor kids had to play in small confined areas for days and days. Don't get me wrong... my new bathroom and painted walls make me so happy, but we are only 1/2 way through the paint project and mommy guilt is keeping me from moving forward. I may have to compromise and allow 2 days a week for painting projects until the projects are done. I want to spend my summer outside with my kids rather than indoors painting, so I'd better busta move!!!!

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