Monday, January 3, 2011

Hug A Little Morre

So here we are the first Monday of 2011 and I swear 2010 just flew by. It was a fairly lovely year. Temperatures were fairly mild, we adopted Taylor officially, Spud moved in with his auntie, we had the sweetest little 5 month old baby boy come stay with us... and then December hit!!!!!! Princess P's bios had been pushing for a Mexico placement (with her paternal aunt) for a couple of months. A judge put it off once, but they really kept pushing. On December 8th, we were in court again and the judge ruled the following day to place Princess P in Mexico. WHAT A HUGE BLOW!!!!!!! We never believed in a million years that the judge would rule this way, after all, she is an American citizen and Mexico is full of political and social unrest these days. Within 4 days of hearing the judges ruling we got more news sweet baby boy was going to be moving with his grandma... IN LIKE 5 DAYS. Talk about a double whammy!!!!!!!!! Once reality set in, and baby boy had gone to live with grandma, we had to come to terms with the fact that Princess P will most likely be leaving. The Holidays were tainted with our sorrow and we sort of forced out some "Christmas Spirit" for the sake of the kids. I was buying Christmas presents one day, the next I was taking Princess P in to have passport photos done and buying suitcases for her impending journey. No amount of Christmas music brought my spirits up. Each little hug seems more precious, and you don't want to miss a moment because you know time is short. The responsible parent in you is compelled to prepare for the inevitable while the mama bear wants to protect both Taylor and Princess P from what seems to be coming. But really, how do you ever prepare for this? So, for now we hug a little more and cling to the hope that God will intervene before her passport comes through and it's time for her to go.

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