Monday, January 10, 2011


Have you ever been in a position where you are just sure if one more thing happens you will explode, and then that one more thing happens and God gives you the grace to walk through it. I am constantly amazed at the way He holds me up and finds ways to encourage me when the storms of life surround me. I am thankful that He does not ask me to withstand the storm in my own strength. Instead, he promises me that He is there with me in the midst of the storm. The peace and comfort that brings me holds me firm in my resolve to trust Him. He is ok with our questions, but He asks for us to step forward in blind obedience knowing He has it taken care of every need, and really have you ever tried to fix things on your own? What a mess! And the wasted energy, because eventually we wear down and ask for His help. Help He was offering the WHOLE time!

My advice then is to walk with Jesus offering unconditional obedience. Allow His grace to minister to you and then don't keep it to yourself... spread the love of Jesus to others... that's all he asks!

1 comment:

  1. Oh so true my dear friend! I am so proud of you and the woman I continually watch you become.
