Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Bah~ Why Does Patience Have To Be A Fruit Of The Spirit?

My Grandma Ruthie used to say, "Patience is a virtue, catch it if you can, seldom in children, and never in a man." Well she had the kids down perfectly, but she was wrong when she said never in a man. I happen to be married to the most patient man in the world... NO REALLY IT'S TRUE! I on the other hand could stand to ask the Lord for some patience, but I'm afraid he'll give it to me.
The two big things that are working at me are my lack of perfection as a mom, and this constant waiting for Princess P's situation to stabilize. I am willing to offer myself some grace as I fall short of being the perfect mom (after all I have 3 small kids), but on the other matter it feels like an emotional roller coaster. The "powers that be" move so slowly and I find myself waiting less and less patiently. Now, the true POWER THAT IS already has things figured out, He just hasn't whispered His plan to me... hence my anxiety and impatience!!!! Do I trust Him????? Well Yes, but can't He fill me in and move a bit faster? All I know is that while I wait I find myself wanting to get in the mix... you know, there must be something I can do!!!!! I'm sure He needs my help... RIGHT! It would actually be an outward sign of my distrust in Almighty God, and an act of pure disobedience on my part to get involved. So, I must patiently wait and obey as He works knowing that He really does have it all under control and nothing I say or do will be of any worth. For now, and hopefully forever, we have Princess P and can love her with the heart Jesus has given us for her. We can pray for her future, and really that's a whole lot!!!!

House Projects And Mommy Guilt

We have been so busy lately doing house projects. We have remodeled our downstairs bathroom, and painted a large portion of our downstairs walls... yes, this would explain why I haven't exactly been current on my blogging. Now picture with me a 1,2, and 3 year old child in the room with a whole lot of paint... anyone but me feeling the tension creeping into your neck and shoulders? My remedy for this scenario was a whole lotta movies (against my better judgement- see prior post) and an itty-bitty living space (think genie on Aladdin) for over a week. My poor kids had to play in small confined areas for days and days. Don't get me wrong... my new bathroom and painted walls make me so happy, but we are only 1/2 way through the paint project and mommy guilt is keeping me from moving forward. I may have to compromise and allow 2 days a week for painting projects until the projects are done. I want to spend my summer outside with my kids rather than indoors painting, so I'd better busta move!!!!